Nigerians are high fish consumers as the per capita consumption is 14.9 kg per year and has the largest market for fish and fishery products in Africa. Artisanal fishers provide fish for large proportion of fish consumed by our teeming population. These set of fishers depend on crude gears and technology and small vessels in capturing multiple fish species. This study examined the determinants of the capacity building needs of artisanal fishers in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study used primary data. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was use to select the respondents. A total number of 292 respondents were selected for the study. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and Binary Logistic Regression. The results showed that more than half (71.6%) of the respondents had low knowledge level and majority (87.0%) of the respondents had high capacity building needs. The educational status (p<0.10), years of experience in fishing activities (p<0.10), contacts with extension services (p<0.01) and craft type (p<0.05) are the determinants factors of capacity building needs of the artisanal fishers. The study concluded that the majority of the fisher folks had low knowledge level on fishing practices. Majority of the fisher folks had high capacity building needs. The study therefore recommends the provision of training in the areas of high capacity building needs and that there should be consideration of factors influencing the capacity building needs of artisanal fisher folks during the planning and implementation of any training programme on artisanal fisheries.
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