Mary Yole Apple Declaro Ruedas


The study was conducted to determine the profile of the household heads; the level of household coping strategies in natural risk and disaster, and the relationship between profile and the household coping strategies.It used correlational method of research. Sixty-three household heads in barangay Pag-asa, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro served as the respondents of the study. Mean, frequency, and Pearson Moment Correlation were used in the study. Results revealed that majority of the respondents were middle aged, with formal education, medium size household, long length of residency with an average monthly income below the poverty threshold of the province. It was also found out that coastal household “moderately adopted†the different coping mechanisms in natural disasters and that household size and number of years spent in formal education has significant relationship with the coping mechanisms.


Coping Strategies; Source of Information; Natural Disaster

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