Call for Paper

This journal is an international, academic, citation indexed and blind peer reviewed which covers original research articles, short notes and communications, reviews (including book), concepts, commentaries, and letters on a diverse topic related to rural studies, particularly in Asia.

The aim of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share/discuss theories, views, and research results, on issues related to social, economics, culture, communication, technology, ecology, administration and power relation in rural of Asia.

JARS is indexed now by Google scholar and CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International).

For July 2019 edition, It is with great pleasure to invite you to submit your manuscript to be published in the JARS. To prepare your manuscript, please visit Instruction for authors and other details on our website:

Publishing in the JARS is free of charge

We look forward to receiving your manuscripts very soon. Thank you!

Best regards,

Prof. M. Saleh S. Ali, PhD.

Editor in Chief