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Author Guidelines

Author Guideline



(Version 1)


This template is designed to assist Author in preparing manuscript; it is an exact representation of the format expected by the editor (downloadable at: To use this template, please just Save As this MS Word file to your document, then copy and paste your document here. To copy and paste the text to this template document, please use “Special Paste” and choose “Unformated Text”. All papers submitted to the journal should be written in good English. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked or proof read before submission for grammar and clarity. English language and copyediting services can be provided by: International Science Editing and Asia Science Editing. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Scientific articles dealing agriculture systems are welcome. The journal encompasses research articles, original research report, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in agriculture sciences in broad term including agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, forestry and agriculture socio-economics.

Manuscript should be typed using word processors (Microsoft Word or Open Office) software. The font used throughout the paper is Times New Roman. The paper size is A4 (i.e., 210 x 297 mm), one-column format with a 3-cm margin at the top, 3-cm margin at the bottom, 3-cm margin on the left, and 3-cm margin on the right. Lines are one-half spaced, justified. Page numbers should be included in the text located in footer section of each page. Use of pronouns such as I, we etc is to be avoided.

Manuscript submitted to this journal should follow the heading below, except for the review article: Title; Authors Name; Authors Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; and References. 


Title (14pt, Times New Roman bold)

This is your opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete. Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations. Number of word in title is no more than 12 words.

The title of the paper should be in 14 pt bold Times New Roman and be centered. The title should have 0 pts space above and 12 pts below.





1.    Authors Name and Affiliations

Write Author(s) names without title and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Do not abbreviate your last/family name. Always give your First and Last names. If you have one word name such as Arsyad, write Arsyad Arsyad. Write clear affiliation of all Authors. Affiliation includes: name of department/unit, (faculty), name of university, country. Please indicate Corresponding Author (include email address) behind the name.

Author names should be in 12 pt Times Roman bold with 12 pts above and 12 pts below. Author addresses are superscripted by numerals and centered over both columns of manuscripts. Author affiliations should be in 11 pt Times Roman.




M. Saleh S. Ali (Corresponding author)

Department of Agriculture Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture,

Hasanuddin University,  Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia Ñ11pt

E-mail: saleh.assofie@gmail.comÑ11pt.

Abstract <- 11pt, Times New Roman bold

The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. This abstract should provide a brief introduction to the problem, objective of paper, followed by a statement regarding the methodology and a brief summary of results. The abstract should end with a comment on the significance of the results or a brief conclusion. Abstracts are written in 11 pt Times New Roman, preferably not more than 300 words.

Keywords:  <- 11pt, Times New Roman bold

Maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolon (;), crucial to the appropriate indexing of the papers, are to be given. eg: Wild orchid; ecology conservation; important value; diversity index.

Introduction <- 12pt, Times New Roman bold

The introduction part (recommended length: 500-1000 words) gives the reader and enticing glimpse of what is to come. It must grab teh reader’s attention by stimulating attention, interest, desire and action. In other words, the introduction must effectively “sell” the manuscript.

The introduction generally consists of: a broad statement about theme or topic of the study; summary of available literatures and cites the most important studies that are relevant to the current research; statement about controversies, gaps, inconsistencies in the literature that the current study will address; statement about problems/questions to be addressed in the study or objectives of the study. You can also state at the end of introduction outline of the structure of the rest of the article.

Materials and Methods <- 12pt, Times New Roman bold

Materials and methods section (recommended: 500-1000 words) describes materials used in research and steps followed in the execution of the study. A brief  justification for the method used is also stated so the readers can evaluate the appropriateness of the method, reliability and validity of the results.

Results and Discussion <- 12pt, Times New Roman bold

Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Please highlight differences between your results or findings and the previous publications by other researchers.

 The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Separation or combination of Results and Discussion section is accepted. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here you get the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results). The following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?

1      Tables

Tables are sequentially numbered with the table title and number above the table. Tables should be centered in the column OR on the page. Tables should be followed by a line space (12pt). Elements of a table should be single-spaced, however double spacing can be used to show groupings of data or to separate parts within the table.  Table headings should be in 10pt bold. Tables are referred in the text by the table number. eg: Table 1. Do not show vertical line in the table. There is only horizontal line should be shown within the table.

2.    Figures

Figures are sequentially numbered commencing at 1 with the figure title and number below the figure as shown in Figure 1. Detailed recommendations for figures are as follows:

  • Ensure that figures are clear and legible with typed letterings.
  • Black & white or colored figures are allowed.
  • If a figure spans two columns, it should be placed at the top or bottom of a page.
  • Hard copy illustrations should, preferably, be scanned and included in the electronic version of the submission in an appropriate format as follows:

-     BMP - Microsoft bitmap file

-     WMF - Windows Metafile Format

-     EPS - Encapsulated Postscript

  • If figures cannot be scanned, the original should be placed in its location within the manuscript using wax or colorless glue.
  • The following files are permissible:

-     Microsoft Graph

-     Microsoft Draw

Figure 1 shows an included Microsoft Draw object.

3.    Equations

Equations should be numbered serially within parentheses as shown in Equation (1). Equation should be prepared using MS Equation Editor (not in image format). The equation number is to be placed at the extreme right side.


4.    Units, Abbreviations and Symbols

Metric units are preferred. Define abbreviations and symbols at the first time as they are introduced in the text.

Conclusions ¬ 12pt, Times New Roman bold

Conclusions should answer the objectives of research. Tells how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.

Acknowledgment <- 12pt, Times New Roman bold

Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporter of your research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may other supporter i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers who may have given materials.

References <- 12pt, Times New Roman bold

Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based. Cite only items that you have read. Do not inflate the manuscript with too many references. Avoid excessive self‐citations. Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region. Check each reference against the original source (authors name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number). Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Use other published articles in the same journal as models.

All publications cited in the text should be included as a list of references. References are listed alphabetically. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either “Unpublished results” or “Personal communication”. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.

References in the text should be in full if they have one or two authors (e.g.: Ali, 2013; Ali and Arsyad, 2013); in the case of more than three or multiple authors they should be cited as Ali et al. (2013) or (Ali et al., 2013). Full References should be provided in the References section.

Journal Articles:
Arsyad, M. and S. Yusuf. 2008. Assessing the Impact of Oil Prices and Interest Rates Policies: the Case of Indonesian Cocoa. Ryukoku Journal of  Economic Studies, 48(1):65-92.

Friedland, W. H. 1982. The End of Rural Society and the Future of  Rural Sociology.  Rural Sociology 47(4): 589-608.

A Book:
Ritzer, G., 2013. Explorations in Social Theory: From Metatheorizing to Rationalization. Sage Publication, London.

A Chapter in a Book:
Dev, S. M., 2002. Public Intervention for Poverty Reducation in Asia: Macro Policies and Direct Program. In Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty and Food Security, Vol. 1. Eds., Acharya, S.S., Singh, S., and Sagar, Vidya. New Delhi: Rawat Publications,  pp: 433-462.

A Report:
Saito, K.A. and Spurling, D. 1992. Developing Agricultural Extension for women farmers. World Bank discussion paper No. 156, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Conference Proceedings:
Huo, R and Zhang, Q., 2013. Study on Rural Microcredit  Risk Management and Micro-repayment  Insurance. Proceeding of  2013 World Agricultural Outlook Conference, pp 29-38 


A Thesis/Dissertation:
Daris, L., 2011. Conflict Dynamic and the Role of Local Institutions in the Management of Catched-Fish Resources in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Unpublished  Doctoral Dissertation, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.