Geometric Calculations on The Halong PHB Road Section in Ambon City

Vera Th. C. Siahaya, Septo Ch. Tuasuun Edison hukom, Fridolin Nivaan(1),

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One of the roads that has high accessibility and is in an accident-prone condition is the Upper Halong PHB road, because the terrain of the road has quite a lot of bends, descents and quite high inclines which can interfere with the visibility of road  users,  and  it  is  feared  that  this  could  cause  problems.  problems  such  as accidents  among  users  of  this  road  section.  The  aim  of  this  research  is  to calculate horizontal alignments and vertical alignments to be able to determine the geometric optimality of efficient roads in terms of fast and precise timing. The planning method uses the 2021 Bina Marga method, which is determined based on the geometric planning guidelines for road number 20/SE/Db/2021 . Types of data consisting of primary data and secondary data. for primary data, road  condition  data  and  topographic  survey  data  (Measurements)  and  for secondary  data,  planned  speed  data.  The  analysis  results  show  that  the horizontal alignment has 32 types of bends, namely bend 1 to bend 3 with a full circle (FC) bend type, bend 4 with a spiral-spiral (SS) bend type, bend 5 with a spiral-circle-spiral  (SCS)  bend  type.  ,  bend  6 to 14  is  a  Full  circle  (FC)  type bend, corner 15 is a Spiral-circle-spiral type bend, bend 16 to 30 is a Full circle (FC) type bend, corner 31 is a Spiral-circle-spiral (SCS) type bend, and There are 32 Full Circle (FC) bends, then the vertical alignment has 16 vertical curves, with 9 convex verticals and 7 concave verticals.


Bina Marga Bina Marga 2021, civil 3D, Horizontal alignment, Vertical alignment.

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