Use of Fly Ash PLTU Holtekamp Jayapura in The Manufacture of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC)

Ratna Gunanto, Irianto, Franki E.P. lapian, M. Tumpu(1),

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Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a concrete that is able to compact itself with a fairly high slump. In the process of placing in the formwork volume (placing) and  its  compaction  process  (compaction),  SCC  does  not  require  a  vibration process  like  normal  concrete.  Self-Compacting  Concrete  must  use  additional materials compared to normal concrete. The use of fly ash as a concrete forming material  is  based  on  the  properties  of  this  material  which  are  similar  to  the properties  of  cement.  The  similarity  of  these  properties  makes  fly  ash  a substitute  material  to  reduce  the  amount  of  cement  as  a  concrete  constituent material. The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  obtain  workability  behavior  using Self-Compacting  Concrete  (SCC)  with  the  addition  of  fly  ash  and  the compressive strength value of SCC concrete at the ages of 3, 21, and 28 days. Based on the research conducted, the compressive strength values of concrete at 0%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% at the age of 3 days were 28.8 MPa, 29.5 MPa, 16.0 MPa, 25.3 MPa, 16.0 MPa. At the age of 21 days, 41.8 MPa, 33.0 MPa, 19.3 MPa, 33.9 MPa, and 16.4 MPa. At the age of 28 days, 35.9 MPa, 44.5 MPa, 33.5 MPa 28.8 MPa, and 26.6 MPa where the maximum load with 5 variations of fly ash occurred at a variation of 20% fly ash with a curing age of 28 days of 44.5 MPa.


Concrete, Fly Ash, Self Compacting Concrete

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