Analysis of Parking Management System at Hasanuddin University Hospital

Haryati,M. Yamin Jinca, S Alam(1),

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This study aims to analyze parking management at Hasanuddin University Hospital. This study's population consisted of all vehicles parked between 7:00 and 23:59 every weekday. Based on analyzing the parameters of the characteristics, it can be determined that the two- and four-wheeled vehicle peak hours occur between 09:00 and 11:00, with a total of 562 vehicles. The average duration on weekdays for both two and four-wheeled vehicles is not much different, which is more than 2 hours/vehicle. The highest average volume and parking turnover rate occur on Tuesday around 650 vehicles, which is 78 times in one day while four-wheeled vehicles are around 98 times a day. The maximum parking index value has above 190%, hence it is necessary to expand parking space availability. Based on determining that the average of 310 respondents rates parking management as a medium category. Parking management and paid parking more than 40% said they were satisfied, while 58% said the parking space capacity was not able to meet parking demand. Controlling illegal parking and the need for special regulations for parking is more than 74%. Furthermore, based on the results of questionnaire data from experts who were obtained using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method, the alternative priority in meeting parking demand and parking management is the construction of a parking building in terms of technical and social criteria. Therefore, this study provides useful information for planners and policymakers to plan, design, and evaluate parking systems.


Parking characteristics, hospital parking, off-street parking, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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