Identification of Andesite Rock Distribution Using Resistivity Geoelectric Method in Tapalang Area of Mamuju District West Sulawesi Province

Alvian Nawir,Alam Budiman Thamsi, and Muhammad Farid Wajdi MH(1),

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Volcanoes make Indonesia have andesite rock reserves in several areas, including this research area carried out in Labuang Rano Village, West Tapalang District, Mamuju Regency. The geological complex of ancient volcanoes of the Adang Formation includes the morphology of hills from the eruption. The research aims to identify the subsurface layers of the earth using geoelectricity. The geoelectric method used in this research is the resistivity method with Wenner schlumberger configuration. With a stretch of track area of 320 meters each. The data obtained as apparent resistivity values are then processed in Res2Dinv Demo, producing an inversion cross-section. The results of the XYZC variable interpretation in Voxler Demo display andesite rocks at different depths from each track ranging from depths between 15-45 meters with resistivity values of 100-200 Ωm. The first layer is sandstone and clay resistivity <100 Ωm, the second layer is andesite rock resistivity of 100-200 Ωm, and the base layer is tuff resistivity of 20-100. Based on the type of layer, it is identified that the rock layer in this area is andesite rock.


Adang volcano, Resistivity, Wenner Schlumberger, Andesite rock

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