Solar Home System Performance Monitoring System for Agricultural Areas in Brebes

(1) Computer Engineering Study Program, Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta
(2) Electrical Engineering Study Program Cilacap State Polytechnic
(3) Computer Engineering Study Program, Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta

The area of paddy fields based on usage was 8,096.19 ha consisting of 3,540.40 ha used for paddy fields and 4,555.79 ha for non-rice fields. The area of paddy fields based on the type of irrigation in Brebes District was 1,872.00 ha of technical irrigation; 583,701 ha semi technical irrigation; 588.50 ha of simple irrigation; and 495.89 ha rainfed. The purpose of this research is to review the availability of solar energy sources to be used as power plants with SHS. Then with this research also known electricity generation for SHS. Remote monitoring system design for SHS can be implemented in Pasarbatang Brebes Village. The design in this study uses a sensor at the PV output to be connected to an Arduino microcontroller. The data recording from the sensor by the microcontroller is sent to the online storage media (cloud drive) via a wifi communication device. The results of the research can be accessed anywhere and anytime because the system was built using online storage media. This makes it easier to monitor the progress of the PV installed via the web or Android smartphone. Monitoring on android applications using NodeMCU ESP8266 to send and receive data. So that it can monitor the measurement results from the current and voltage sensors in real time
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