The Effect of Overburden Loader and Hauler Match Factor on Fuel Consumption and Cost Using Queueing Theory (Case Study: Coal Mining PT. Perkasa Inakakerta East Kalimantan Province)

L. J S. Palayukan(1), A. V. Anas(2), Purwanto Purwanto(3),

(1) Department of Mining Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.
(2) Department of Mining Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.
(3) Department of Mining Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.
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Overburden removal activity in PT. Perkasa Inakakerta was conducted in a close circuit service system. Each service system consisted of 1 unit of PC 850-8 and 4 units of HD 465-7. Production of the loader and the hauler respectively was 556.30 bcm/hour and 480.96 bcm/hour. These amounts had not achieved overburden production target which was 1,138.05 bcm/hour, because match factor value of the equipment was less than 1 (MF < 1), which 0,79. Disproportion of the loader and the hauler affected fuel consumption and fuel cost due to alteration of queueing time. Therefore, match factor test was conducted to increase the match factor of the equipment from 0.79 to 0.99 by adding 1 unit of hauler HD 465-7. Data used in this research were cycle time, fuel consumption, fuel cost, and fuel price data. After the additional hauler unit, the queueing time was analyzed using queueing theory to calculate change of the fuel consumption and cost. The addition of 1 unit of HD 465-7 increased the production 167.22 bcm/hour or 34.77% to 648.18 bcm/hour. The fuel cost spent after the addition as many as 167.22 bcm/hour was Rp1,318,434.1 per hour, so that the total fuel cost spent for 1 unit of PC 850-8 and 5 units of HD 465-7 was Rp1,700,151.28 per hour.


Overburden; production; queueing time; match factor; fuel cost

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