Model Simulation of Building Intensity on Optimization Roadway Level of Service Direction

(1) City and Regional Planning Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Bosowa University, Jl. Urip Sumohardjo KM. 4, Makassar, Indonesia 90231
(2) City and Regional Planning Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Bosowa University, Jl. Urip Sumohardjo KM. 4, Makassar, Indonesia 90231

The high volume of traffic movement in corridor artery road Jenderal Sudirman - Dr. Sam Ratulangi of the Makassar city, resulted from the intensity of land use for business activities, trade and services causing problems of transportation. This study aims to analyze the importance of the effect of building intensity in the road corridor and formulate the direction of building intensity to optimize the level of a service road. The variable test influence that contributes to trip attraction, including traffic volume, road capacity, a degree of saturation, ground floor coefficient and building floor. The direction approach of the intensity of people / building units is an example case to formulate the optimization of service level of the road network. The method of multiple linear regression analysis was used to describe a descriptive quantitative influence test. The results showed Level of Service road corridors including critical (D). The movement generated by land use amounted to 4,776 pcu/hour or 87% of total movement. Variables that affect the magnitude of the trip attractions are group changes of the recommended activities, such as Mother and Child Hospital, Horison Hotel, Wisma Kalla, Ratulangi Medical Center and School Foundation. For changes to the type of activity group that is prohibited, among others: PT. PLN, KFC, Mall Ratu Indah, and New Agung store. The results of a simulation model of influence of activity type on building and limit of the floor area of the building; and the number of people/buildings using DS = 0.74 with the trip ceiling of 3,207.94 pcu / hour, resulting in the maximum average floor area of the building varies.
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