Bonding Capacity of Deform Bar in Sea Water Concrete

(1) Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
(2) Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
(3) Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

The seawater contains about 35,000 ppm is dissolved salt which can increase the risk of corrosion in steel reinforcement embedded in concrete. This study aims to determine the value of bond strength of seawater concrete with steel reinforcement. This research uses experimental test method in laboratory which includes compressive strength test, concrete split tensile strength test, tensile strength of deform bar, pull out test and visual observation of carbonation test. The specimens in this study was made in 3 different types of curing, i.e. wet curing, dry curing and wet-dry curing. The result of the research obtain the compressive strength for 28 days for dry curing is 17.15 MPa, while for wet curing and dry-wet curing about 16.895 MPa and 19.367 MPa, respectively. The split tensile strength of concrete after 28 days for dry curing, wet curing, and dry-wet curing are 7.55 MPa, 8.85 MPa and 7.55 MP, respectively. The bond strength specimen for 28 days in dry curing was 5.46 MPa, whereas specimen in the wet curing and dry wet curing showed bond strength about 5.94 MPa and 4.90 MPa, respectively. Based on the result, compressive strength in wet-dry curing showed higher value than others curing types, while specimen in wet curing presented the value of split tensile strength and bond strength higher than dry curing and wet-dry curing.
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