Geochemical Characterization and Its Implication for Beneficiation of Coal from Tondongkura Village, Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Province

S. Widodo(1), Sufriadin Sufriadin(2), A. Saputno(3), A. Imai(4), K. Anggayana(5),

(1) Department of Mining Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
(2) Department of Mining Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
(3) Department of Mining Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of International Resources Science, Akita University, Japan
(5) Department of Mining Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung, Indonesia
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Coal from Tondongkura, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province recently was used only as fuel in some industries, although it has high ash and sulfur content. This study is conducted to determine coal quality using proximate, mineral matter and geochemical inorganic matters analysis, as well as to recommended proper method of beneficiation of Tondongkura coal, so it can be used in various industries. Analysis result showed that seam 1 of Tondongkura coal can be classified into medium ash and middle sulfur coal. Meanwhile seam 2 of Tondongkura coal can be classified into high ash and high sulfur coal. Major elements were moderately high such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO. Major element Fe2O3, and CaO had negative correlation with ash content of Tondongkura coal, while SiO2 and Al2O3 had positive correlation. Trace elements that need to be considered are the trace element which cause negative effect to health namely As, Cr, Mo and Pb. Lead (Pb) is inversely with coal ash from both seams and it is interpreted to be associated with organic matter, while As, Cr and Mo had various distribution for each seam of Tondongkura coal. Rare earth element in Tondongkura coal can be classified as Medium REY type, because Eu, Gd and Dy had high enrichment than the other REY. Pyrite contained in Tondongkura coal was syngenetic pyrite. Pyrite removal from coal can be done by using flotation method, because this method was combine physical and chemical method to separate pyrite mineral from coal. This method can decrease sulfur and ash content before the Tondongkura coal is used in various industry.


Tondongkura, coal quality, mineral matter, inorganic elements, coal beneficiation

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