Experimental Study of HRS-WC Asphalt Mixture Using Limestone as Aggregate Substitute in Cantabro Test

Didik S.S Mabui, Pangeran Holong Sitor M. Tumpu, Marsudi(1),

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The commonly used materials in asphalt mixtures are coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and filler. In flexible pavement mixtures, river stones serve as coarse aggregates, sand as fine aggregates, and cement as filler. However, their availability is limited and their prices are relatively high. This study aims to analyze the wear of HRS-WC mixture using limestone material as an aggregate substitute. The mixture consists of 16% crushed stone aggregate 1-2, 30% crushed stone aggregate 0.5-1, 52% fine aggregate, and 2% filler, based on the 2018 Bina Marga specifications in the laboratory. The optimum asphalt content for the mixture obtained from the Pb calculation is 5.8%, 6.3%, 6.8%, 7.3%, and 7.8%. Wear resistance of the specimens is planned to be tested using Cantabro testing method. The Cantabro test results show that the wear rate at an asphalt content of 6.8% is 3.72%, meeting the Bina Marga specification with a wear value ≤ 20%. Thus, the use of limestone can fulfill the requirements as an aggregate substitute


HRS-WC, Limestone, Cantabro

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