Coastline and Land Use Changes by Remote Sensing Analysis at Tanjung Bunga West Coastal of Makassar South Sulawesi Indonesia


Identifying of coastline changes and their variability can change naturally or by human activities within the improvement and control of coastal areas. Tanjung Bunga is a landform deposit in the form of a Spit and at this location is planned to be used as the Center Point of Indonesia. In this paper, the coastline modifications that arise at some stage in 20 years which is 2000-2020 analysed the use of satellite statistics inclusive of Landsat picture records to get right of entry to the coastline pattern differention for the years beneath the research. The changes resulting from the erosion, reclamation and sedimentation. The analysis suggests that the maximum commonplace coastline modifications as a result of reclamation or in other words, the coastal area become extra larger with the addition of sand to assist sufficient improvement inside the vicinity. Currently, west coastal of Makassar (Tanjung Bunga) specifically used as tourism place and extra land needed to make higher facilities. Coastline changes can have an effect on the environment as natural habits and settlements near the coast, also economics around the place will be affected too.
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