24Technical Analysis of Tambak Lorok Traditional Fishing Vessel Which has a Length of 5.5 Meters

H Yudo(1), O Mursid(2), A H Muhammad(3), M G Satriananta(4), B A Isnain(5),

(1) Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
(2) Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
(3) Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanudin University, Makasar.
(4) Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
(5) Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
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The majority of traditional fishing boats in the Tambak Lorok area are still built traditionally. Their knowledge is still derived from the benchmark of hereditary inheritance which allows for differences in characteristics from a technical point of view when viewed from an academic perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to review from the academic side by analyzing technical aspects which include resistance, stability, and ship motion. Before the analysis is carried out, conduct direct interviews with fishermen in Tambak Lorok and take measurements of the vessels to obtain some data. Furthermore, the data is inputted using the Maxsurf Modeller software to obtain the hull form model. Then analyze from a technical point of view including resistance, stability, ship motion using software Maxsurf Resistance, Maxsurf Stability, Maxsurf Motion. From the results of this study, the traditional fishing boat Tambak Lorok has a resistance value of 0.6 kN at a speed of 7 knots, has a fairly good stability value seen from the results that still meet the criteria determined by IMO, the ship's motion still meets the Tello 2009 standard which determined with the largest value for rolling at a speed of 0 knots and 7 knots at a heading angle of 900 at 4.54 deg, and the largest pitching value at a speed of 7 knots at a heading angle of 0â° at 2.77 deg.



Traditional Fishing Vessels; Resistance; Stability; Movement

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