Cooperative Observation with Prediction Of Targets Position Moving Over A Fully Observable Planar Graph

J E B Maia(1), L P Figueiredo(2),

(1) Universidade Estadual do Ceará-Brasil.
(2) Universidade Estadual do Ceará-Brasil.
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Consider ateam with two types of agents: targets and observers. Observers are aerial UAVs that observe targets
moving on land with their movements restricted to the paths that form a planar graph on the surface. Observershave limited range of vision and targets donot avoid observers. The objective is to maximize the integral of thenumber of targets observed in the observation interval. Taking advantage of the fact that the future positions oftargets in the short term are predictable, we show in this article a modified hill climbing algorithm that surpassesits previous versions in this new setting of the CTO problem.


Cooperative targets observation; Multivalentcontrol; Motion over a planar graph; K-means.

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