A Comparative Study between Dynamic Programming and Artificial Atom Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem

A Chandra(1), A Naro(2),

(1) Study Program Industrial Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Mercu Buana University Raya Meruya Selatan Street No.1, Kembangan, West Jakarta 11650
(2) Study Program Industrial Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Mercu Buana University Raya Meruya Selatan Street No.1, Kembangan, West Jakarta 11650
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Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm is a powerful technique of exact method that can produce optimal solutions. In this paper, the Dynamic Program is compared with Artificial Atom Algorithm (A3) which is a new heuristic - metaheuristic method. Both algorithms of DP and A3 have been tested on case study of 9 locations in the West Jakarta. Based on the case study of small size locations, the results show that the distance of DP and A3 method is the same, but the sequence is different.


Dynamic Programming (DP), A3, exact, heuristic, metaheuristic

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