Exploring the Impact of Gili Ayer, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan Marine Protected Area From Resource Users Perspective

N K Wardhani(1), D A Suriamihardja(2), T Stevens(3),

(1) Graduate School Hasanuddin University Major Regional Planning and Development
(2) Faculty of Science Hasanuddin University
(3) School of Environment and Science – Marine, Griffith University
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The establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) is one strategy to manage potential marine resources. Managing a multiple-use MPA can be challenging, as it should have benefit for both human beings and the environment. The MPA management plan and zonation in Gili Matra MPA was enacted in 2014. Local communities in Gili Matra depend on the MPA for their livelihood in the fisheries and tourism sectors. Resource users' perception potentially to be used as the cornerstone for the management of the MPA. In this research , the socio-economic benefits of Gili Matra MPA post the zoning implementation are assessed from the resource users perspective. Questionnaires were used as the main instrument to collect the primary data. The respondents were local communities (53 fishers and 52 marine tourism operators) who lived in Gili Matra. The result from this research showed different perceived benefits in Gili Matra MPA between two groups of users, which can provide important information to improve the management in the future.



Gili Matra; Marine Protected Area, Community; Perception

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