Coastal Erosion Prone Area Assessment in Klungkung Regency - Bali Coastal Area, Indonesia

Simamora L G(1), Djawad M I(2), Ware D(3),

(1) Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, 90245, Makassar, Indonesia School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
(2) Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, 90245, Makassar, Indonesia
(3) School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
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Coastal hazards affect the majority of sandy shores, and are responsible for damage to, and destruction of settlements, infrastructures, public services and sacred places in Bali’s shorelines. However, there is an absence of information regarding the extent of the erosion hazard in Klungkung Regency coastal area. This study aims to assess the suitabilityerosion prone area components and method for assessing them for Klungkung Regency Coastal Area based on available secondary data. Literature review is conducted to evaluate the existingerosion setbacks and previous studies of the location. Then the available information iscorresponded with the erosion components required. For the study location, several erosion setback components that need to be assessed include short-term erosion component, long-term erosion component, sea level rise, dune stability component, and factor safety. Subsequently, shoreline response model is utilized for assessing short-term erosion component, whilst dune scarp migration is conducted to evaluate long-term erosion component. Furthermore, Bruun’s Rule is applied to estimate the sea level rise component. It is expected that for future study, a different approach of erosion prone area assessment will be conducted, so the result from this study can be compared with. Additionally, the result of this study is expected to provide the information about coastal erosion assessment methods and reference about coastal erosion for future stud


coastal hazards; coastal erosion; erosion prone area; erosion prone area assessment

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