Drinking Water Quality Index in Mattirowalie Village Tanete Riaja Subdistrict Barru Regency South Sulawesi Province Indonesia

Sulfiani Sulfiani(1), Rasyid A(2), Hasbi H(3),

(1) Regional Planning and Development Program, Youth Leadership Management, Hasanuddin University
(2) Departement of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Hasanuddin University
(3) Departement of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University
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This study aims to examine water quality index, physical and chemical properties thathighly influence drinking water parameters. Water quality in a certain area is not always steady but it can change due to pollution. The water quality initially meets the requirement for use as drinking water, agriculture watering, fishery, eventually will not be adequate. Thus, the water quality should be maintained from pollution. This study focuses on analyzing drinking water quality index of Mattirowalie village, TaneteRiajasubdistrict, Barru regency. Water samples are taken from some water springs and people’s water reservoir. The method used to measure water quality is Water Quality Index and the result obtained from the field test and the laboratory observation are 64 samples[x1] in location I, 65 samples[x2]  in location II, 65 samples[x3]  in location III, 62 sampels[x4]  in location IV and 66 samplesin location V. Moreover, the average result at range 50 – 70 of Water Quality Index score is categorized as medium.  The parameter number of water physics properties being observed includes temperature, taste, smell, and turbidity while the parameter number of water chemical properties being observed includes pH, phosphate, nitrate, DO and BDO. Meanwhile, there is only one observed parrameter in biological properties that is E-Colli bacteria. The field and laboratory research result shows that based on the physics, chemical and biological properties, drinking water is eligible to consume and categorized as medium category according to the water quality index.  


Drinking Water; Properness; Quality

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