Asri Jaya Jaya(1), Adi Tonggiroh(2),

(1) Hasanuddin University
(2) Hasanuddin University
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The understanding of pore pressure prediction is really useful to defined drilling strategy for efficiency timing and cost. Drilling phase, mud weight program, drilling bit are simply example will be helpful by this application method. However more data were taken already from existing well drilled, sometime this method is missed to reduce hazard from well due to reservoir pressure unpredictable.

Optimized this method will be great full to apply in Mahakam Delta with highly uncertainty of reservoir existing. By calculate Normal Compaction trend, Overburden Gradient which are generate from existing well logging data around this area research, such as log gamma ray, resistivity, density and rare of sonic also drilling parameter are commonly used. Those are will be related with this method’s application. Pore prediction value can be justified from direct measurement from reservoir which is come from MDT and production well. Both are included post mortem data and will figure out characteristic of reservoir. More phenomena can be founded while drilling at Mahakam Delta, one of the most phenomena is high pressure zone that can be found at particular area. Now days before drilled a well on drilling program must be there is a pressure profile, it used to be a guiding on drilling strategy. Thesis was made to analysis pressure distribution in northern area of research area compared with drilling event.  By known direction of each of well nearby candidate well to drilled, geologist can be make analysis for geological prognosis well. Filtered surrounding well will be done after a geological analysis was made.

Keyword: pore pressure, normal compaction trend, overburden gradient, overpressure

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