The Saturation Degree of Road Segments between Pitu Riase Subdistrict and Pangkajene Sidrap Regency

A R Syahputra(1), B Hamzah(2), Y M Jinca(3),

(1) Transportation Planning Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(2) Department of Architecture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(3) Department of Urban and Regional Development, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
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This research aimed to analyze the degree of saturation (DS) of the road segments between Pitu Riase Subdistrict and Pangkajene, the capital of Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) Regency, and to explain the policy of the development and construction of the local transportation road segments of Pitu Riase Subdistrict. The research was conducted using survey techniques and direct interviews with the respondents who were directly related to the handling of road transportation. The research result indicated that the saturation degree of the primary arterial road segments of Pangkajene-Empagae and Lancirang-Tanrutedong had reached 0.77 and 0.54 with the service level of C and B, respectively. Meanwhile, in the local roads, the highest saturation degree was in the road segment of Sarawatu-Bilariawa with the value of 0.21, and the lowest saturation degree was in the road segment of Barukku-Compong with the value of 0.07, which was categorized as A level. The traffic growth showed the critical point of the capacity development of the local road for the growth of 2% at the road segment of Sarawatu-Bilariawa would occur in 2024. The development strategy of the local roads was to increase the budget allocation for the road maintenance, to add markers for the limitation of the vehicle loads, and to reconstruct the heavily damaged parts of the roads.


Level of saturation; performance; local road; service level

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