Pleistocene Coral Reef Facies in Bira, South Sulawesi

(1) Geological Department, Hasanuddin University
(2) Geological Department, Hasanuddin University
(3) Geological Department, Hasanuddin University
(4) Geological Department, Hasanuddin University

Pleistocene coral reefs in eastern part of Indonesia formed terraces and commonly have a narrow size such as the reef in Bulukumba region. They expresses highly tectonized or uplifted area. This research is located at Bira District of Bulukumba Regency or in the southern tip of South Sulawesi Peninsula. The objective of this research is to define depositional environment based on coral reef development and to interpret palaenvironment during the reef development. Several methods were applied such as intersect lines which are perpendicular to the cliff, petrographic analyses, as well as palaeoenvironment interpretation. Three facies are described at the Pleistocene reef showing he environmental development, namely 1) Reef Fron Facies, 2) Reef Core Facies, 3) Back Reef Facies. Based on facies association and organism accumulation, the depositional environment of Pleistocene reefis interpreted to be developed in a reef complex.
facies; Pleistocene; reef; Biral
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