Hydrodynamic Characteristics of 30 GT Fishing Ship Hull Form in Sulawesi Waters

(1) Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(2) Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(3) Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(4) Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University

This study aims to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the 30 GT fishing ship hull form, operating around Sulawesi waters. The hydrodynamic study includes determinations of; i) ship main dimensions, ii) ship resistance and power, iii) ship stability and maneuvering. The main dimensions identifications were based on a several fishing ship. Ship resistance and power aproximination used Holtrop method. The investigation of ship stability and maneuvering was based on the IMO criteria. Three samples of the fishing ship were investigated. The results of the hydrodynamic analysis showed that the influences of B/T ratio is significant. Properly selecting the B/T ratio on fishing ships can be improved in power reduction and possible increase in safety of ship
Hydrodynamic, hull form, fishing ship and purse-seiner
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