Behavior of Castellated Composite Beam-Columns Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings

(1) Civil Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus
(2) Civil Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus
(3) Civil Engineering Dept., Hasanuddin University

The combination of Castellated beam system with composite beam system by adding in-filled concrete between the flanges of steel beam is expected to increase the capacity to accommodate the force and can overcome the shortcomings found in the two systems. Research was conducted to study the behavior of castellated beam with concrete filler in between the flanges due to earthquake loads. Steel beam IWF profile used was 200 x 100 x 8 x 5.5 with hexagonal openings. The opening height of 0.6 H, the opening distance 9 cm and the angle openings of 600. The test objects consist of normal beam and in-filled concrete castellated steel beam. The data were collected using LVDT and the strain gauges recorded by the data logger and switching box. In addition, data retrieval was also done by visually sighting like buckling and cracking. Testing with cyclic load is a continuation of previous research that uses the monotonic load. The initial load of the yielding of the cyclic load on normal beam and castellated composite beam of 16.5 KN and 43.5 KN and for composite beam with a monotonic load was 360 KN. The initial moment of the yielding of composite castellated beam with cyclic loading was 73.52 kN-m, increased from normal beam capacity of 27.89 kN-m compared with a monotonic load of 81.00 kN-m. Castellated composite beam is capable of receiving loads of bigger and smaller deflection than normal beam. The damage shape failure of normal beam on cyclic load was due to local buckling on the flanges while for castellated composite beam both under cyclic load and monotonic load were concrete cracks.
buckling; castellated; cyclic load
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