Risk Model Contract Based Performance Road Work in Indonesia

B. Mochtar(1), H. Parung(2), N. Ali(3),

(1) Student Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering, University of Hasanuddin
(2) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hasanuddin
(3) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hasanuddin
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Performance-based contract is a solution for road maintenance in the form of integrated contracts of process design, execution and maintenance of construction lump sum payment system. The purpose of this study is to formulate a model of the relationship of risk to the performance of performance based contract. The research methodology done using the method in which the survey questionnaire as data collection instruments were distributed to the parties involved in projects performance-based contract in Indonesia. Then the data is processed by factor analysis, regression analysis and path analysis to obtain structural equation relationship PBC risk and project performance. The results showed that there are 31 of the most important risks that affect project performance cost, time and quality. Of the 31 identified risks, there are 12 risk factors that directly affect and significant impact on all aspects of project performance-based contract. From the formulation of the resulting model obtained a function of the parameters 3 empirical models path diagram that explains the correlation risks to project performance-based contract, the empirical model 1 risk relationship to the performance fee, the empirical model 2 risk relationship to performance time and empirical models of 3 risk relationship to performance quality.


Performance Based Contracts; Road Project; Risk; Performance; Model

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