Paleotemperature of Middle Eocene Tonasa Limestone based on Foraminifera at Palakka Area South Sulawesi

Meutia Farida(1), Pratiwi Pratiwi(2), Ratna Husain(3),

(1) Department of Geology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
(2) Department of Geology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
(3) Department of Geology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
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The research area is located in Palakka area, Barru Regency of South Sulawesi. The aim of this research is to interpret paleotemperature deposition of the Tonasa Limestone especially marl based on small bentonic foraminifera. The reseach method used in this study is measuring section at Palakka River and Pange River and identification and determination of foraminifera species under binoculer microscopic. The research area consists of interbedded mudstone and bioclastic limestone, and based on abundant of foraminifera the depositional environment was Inner Neritic to Middle Neritic of Middle Eocene (P11) and sea water temperature indicate warm water. Sea temperature changes may be affected by sea level change and other activities such as global climate changes, local tectonic, and oceanic current, which impact on the presence and abundance of foraminifera.


Palakka area; Paleotemperature; Measuring section; Neritic; Warm water

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