Water Quality Monitoring of Unhas Lake Water

Rita Tahir Lopa(1), Mary Selintung(2), Marthen P. Lakatua(3), Muhammad Chaerul(4), Tutut Hardiyanti(5),

(1) River Engineering Laboratory, Hasanuddin University
(2) Environmental Laboratory, Hasanuddin University
(3) Graduate Student of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
(4) Graduate Student of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
(5) Student of Environmental Engineering, Hasanuddin University
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The Hasanuddin University has two lakes / site that form a reservoir ecosystem network of water potential as a buffer zone soil water conservation both inside the campus and the region around the Unhas campus. Therefore, Unhas Lake water resources must be protected in order to get clear and healthy water for humans and other living things and should be monitored for water quality regularly and continuously. The research method is observational method with a descriptive study design. The water samples were taken from Unhas Lake which is divided into five sampling points determined by purposive sampling method. Based on physical parameters test results of five sampling points obtained, Unhas Lake Water temperatures were quite stable, ranged between 27,2°C-28,2°C. TDS test results obtained that TDS levels of Unhas Lake Water ranged from 129 mg/l-140 mg/l and were under water quality standard for Class 1 that requires TDS level maximum 1000 mg/l. Meanwhile, TSS test results that meet class I quality standard was station 2, 3, 4, ranged between 10 mg/l-26 mg/l, while stations (points) that did not meet the quality standard for Class 1 were station 1 and 5 i. e 60 mg/l and 90 mg/l, while the maximum permissible level was 50 mg/l. Based on chemical parameters test results, quality of Unhas Lake Water did not meet the quality standard criteria for Class 1 listed in Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001 for parameters ammonia, BOD5, COD, DO, and nitrite. Meanwhile, the chemical parameters for class 1 quality standard that meet are iron, fluoride, nitrate, and sulfate. Based on microbiological parameters test results of five sampling points showed that Fecal coliform bacteria level at stations (points) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 295 MPN/100 ml, 4352 MPN/100 ml, 17329 MPN/100 ml, 142 MPN/100 ml, and 30 MPN/100 ml, Fecal coliform bacteria with the highest number was at station (point) 3 and the lowest was at station (point) 5. The number of total coliform bacteria at stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 24196 MPN/100 ml, > 24196 MPN/100 ml, > 24196 MPN/100 ml, 10462 MPN/100 ml, and 10462 MPN/100 ml, total coliform bacteria with the highest number were at station (point) 2 and 3 and the lowest were at station (point) 4 and 5.


monitoring; water quality; Unhas Lake

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