Ramie Woven Reinforced Epoxy Composite (RWREC): Tensile Strength Analysis

(1) Postgraduate Doctorate Program Student, Gadjah Mada University Yogjakarta
(2) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University, Yogjakarta
(3) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University, Yogjakarta

Ramie woven reinforced epoxy composite has been sucessfully made for the application of ship’s body hull. The use of natural fibers as reinforcement to the composite has been recently increasing; and it can be found at small-scale and large-scale industries. Some of the advantages of its use are ecofriendly, cheap, and having high tensile-strength. The aim of this research is to analyze the tensilestrength toward epoxy resin mixture in the woven ramie composite. The method employed is by testing the tensile-strength based on ASTM D638-02 type I standard. The result of this research shows that the highest tensile-strength is obtained in the mixture of Resin-Hardener 62-38, 60.45 ± 4.78 MPa, the fracture formed was brittle fracture and there was no pull-out or empty cavity; and the changing structure marked with the the formationof nitril functional groups (C ≡ N)with the sharp physical feature and medium intensity in the 2200-2400 cm-1 absorption area.
epoxi resin; hardener resin; tensile stress; ramie woven
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