Behavior of Optimized Castellated Beam Under Cyclic-Quasi Static Loading

R. Frans(1),

(1) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Atma Jaya Makassar, 90244, Makassar,
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Castellation process is one technique for increasing bending capacity for steel construction, especially in beam member. However, there are several parameters should be considered for obtaining an optimal castellated beam, such as opening space opening angle, opening ratio. This paper considered two cases optimized castellated beam which has been done before. Finite element analysis was performed for obtaining the behavior of optimized castellated beam. The previous research revealed that second case optimization was better than the first case optimization but in monotonic loading. Therefore, there must be a study for the optimized castellated beam on cyclic quasi-static loading condition. This study considered two optimized castellated beams subjected to cyclic quasi-static loading on cantilever beam to obtain the behavior of optimized castellated beam. The result shows that the second case optimization performance better than the first case optimization based on peak load and dissipation energy of the beam.


Keywords: Optimized castellated beam, cyclic quasi static, peak load

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