The Characteristic of Light Vehicles Emissions at Urban Roads in Makassar City

(1) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(2) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the characteristics of HC, NOx, SO2, CO, and CO2 emissions, originating from motor vehicle against vehicle travel time and average speed of vehicles on the main road networks, with heterogeneous traffic situation in the city of Makassar. Location studies conducted on eleven (11) roads, starting from 06:00 am until 20:00 pm. The survey data consists of the vehicle operational characteristics, including engine type, engine size and vehicle life-cycle, where derived from the secondary data. The primary data consists of travel time, vehicle emissions and vehicle speed. The emissions measurements performed with the emissions test equipment (portable measurement system), that is attached to the tool exhaust vehicle condition, moving on a highway with traffic flow heterogeneous situation. The results of the compilation data on vehicle operating characteristics obtained, 51 light vehicle categories with a percentage of 88.14% MPFI and Carburator engine types of 11.86%. The result shows that the amount of CO and CO2 emissions fluctuated over travel time and vehicle speed, while emissions of HC, NOx, and SO2 tends to be constant. The Lowest emissions of CO2 and CO on vehicle speeds ranging between 25-65 km/h and 35-65 km/h. The study results provide be a reference to the next research that is emission factor analysis for 51 light vehicle categories in operation in Makassar City.
emissions, light vehicles, heterogeneous traffic, Makassar.
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