Characteristic and Estimated Distribution of Iron Ore in the Bayang Area, Donggala, Central Sulawesi

(1) Geological Engineering Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Poros Malino, Bontomarannu, Gowa 92119
(2) Mining Engineering Study Program, University of Pejuang Republik Indonesia (UPRI), Jl. Baruga Raya Antang, Makassar 90145
(3) Mining Engineering Study Program, University of Pejuang Republik Indonesia (UPRI), Jl. Baruga Raya Antang, Makassar 90145

Fault trending north-south and NNE-SSW is a weak zone that allows the magmatism in the form of magma intrusion passed through older rocks. Magma intrusion occurred in several phases, namely andesite, diorite, and syenite. Donggala iron ore mineralization as a result of the intrusion is accompanied by contact metasomatism. Boulder is dominated by iron ore (magnetite and hematite) occur along the hills and rivers range from 0.5 to 0.2 m. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the prospect area iron ore carrier rock based on anomaly geomagnetic field laterally and vertically. The results of the magnetic measurements correction value calculation of show strongly anomalous local magnetic field in 2D. The depiction of the model is based on the depth of the approach used by the inversion method which produces a 3D cross-section. The final result of the evaluation of secondary data, geological, geophysical methods of geomagnetic for minerals iron ore around the Damsol sub distric, Donggala, Central Sulawesi province show that the potential iron ore resources ± 21,5 Ha for Area Bayang, and still have spreads constantly to all extents area.
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