Assessment of lowland rice-based organic farming in selected municipalities of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

Rizzi Angelica T. Dagos


This study aimed to assess lowland rice-based organic farming system in selected municipalities of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. It was conducted in Magsaysay, San Jose and Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines from June 2016 up to March 2017. This study employed descriptive method of research utilizing pre-constructed questionnaire administered to 133 farmer-respondents using an interview schedule. Key informant interviews, focus group discussion and observation were also utilized to gather data. Descriptive statistics, as well as costs and returns analysis were used to present the results. Results showed that lowland rice-based organic farmers are old, predominantly male and literate. They have an average household size, with long farming experience, in general but with short engagement to organic farming practices. Farmers are owners of their farm land and affiliated to organizations, and had experience availing credit. They have high awareness on organic agriculture, while farmers have moderate adoption of it. Lowland rice-based organic farms are less productive but more profitable as compared to conventional farms. Farmers encountered problems in production, certification and marketing aspects of organic agriculture.



certification; farming system; organic agriculture; profitability

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