Prediction of Storage Life of Shallot Powder by using Acceleration Method

Setyadjit Setyadjit, Ermi Sukasih, Abdullah bin Arif


Scarcity of shallot supply often occurs in Indonesia. Production into powder is one of the solutions to overcome the problem. In the form of powder there is an advantage of having a longer shelf life and ease of use.  Storability study is very important especially for new food products from result of research and development activities. The purpose of this study is to predict the shelf life of shallot powder soaked with the two anti-browning ingredients (citric acid 1% and sodium bisulphite  500 ppm) by using an acceleration method. Shallot powder samples packed in alufo bags and stored at temperatures of 20 oC, 30 oC and 40 oC. The shelf life prediction using acceleration method through semi-empirical approach to the Arrhenius equation with the critical parameters of the color values (oHoe). The results of multivariete analyses showed that the use if color parameter as determinated parameter is appropriate. The results showed that the shallot powder with sodium bisulfite soaking has a longer shelf life by 9.3 months, compared to soaking with citric acid having 7 months at room temperature.


Predicted storage life; shallot flour; acceleration method; multivariate

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