The Management Strategy of Marketing Mix of Pineapple Chips in Kampar District, Riau Province, Indonesia: A Structural Model Approach

Roza Yulida, Jum’atri Yusri, Novia Dewi, Yulia Andriani


The Management of marketing mix in agro-industry business of pineapple chips need to increase the volume of sales and customer loyalty. This research aims to (1) analyze the variable/ attribute lever in the management of the marketing mix of pineapple chips, and (2) formulating marketing strategy of pineapple chips. This research used survey method. The Selection of respondents in this research is intentional (purposive sampling). The determination of respondents based on the expertise and their role in policy-making related to the agroindustry of pineapple chips. Data analysis used prospective analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process/AHP. The Results of analysis showed that the determinants of the management of the marketing mix of pineapple chips consists; the dimensions of the product, price, promotion, and distribution. Attributes that are included in the driving variables consists of; products that always available, distribution in craftsmen kiosks, available in souvenir outlets, available anywhere, and promotions through packaging. The attributes are located in quadrant I, which have strong influence and dependence among low attributes. The direction of development of marketing policy of pineapple chips, alternatives include; Alternative I is the institutional strengthening of marketing and alternative II, is the development of the marketing mix.


Determinant; management of the marketing mix; marketing strategy

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