Article Publication Charge

If your manuscript is a accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Charge to cover publication cost and sectretariat. Publishing cost is 1,000,000 (IDR) or 67 (USD), (maximally 15 pages for each article). Please read under Editorial Policies.

IJAS Editorial Board will inform the author about payment notice when the article has been finished reviewed by peer reviewers and prepared for the next issue trough E-mail.

Payment can be transfered through:

- Bank Negara Indonesia (Bank BNI), Makassar Branch

- Account holder's name : Astina Tambung

- Acconunt no. : 0585726570

 - Swift code: 

After transfering the payment we urge the author to send the receipt by WhatsApp (+62-852-4271-6553) or email (