
Issue Title
VOLUME 6 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2020 Rethinking the Penalty of Illicit Enrichment Crime in Ethiopia: Lessons from Comparative Analysis Abstract  PDF
Diriba Adugna Tulu
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2017 Optimizing Confiscation of Assets in Accelerating the Eradication of Corruption Abstract  PDF
Elwi Danil, Iwan Kurniawan
VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2018 Implication of Regulation Authorities on the Efforts to Accelerate the Eradication of Corruption Abstract  PDF
Sukmareni Sukmareni, Elwi Danil, Ismansyah Ismansyah, Zainul Daulay
VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2018 A Comparison Approach in Corruption Eradication: An Empirical Examination Abstract  PDF
Mispansyah Mispansyah
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2022 In Search of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement Model for Effective Anti-Corruption Framework in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Febby Mutiara Nelson
VOLUME 5 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2019 Constitutional Court, Judicial Independence, and Efforts to Achieve Qualified Justice Abstract  PDF
Irfan Nur Rachman
VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2018 Good Governance and Anti-Corruption: Responsibility to Protect Universal Health Care in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Ratna Juwita
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2016 New Paradigm for Local Financial Management: A Review of Local Budgeting System Abstract  PDF
Hendra Karianga
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