The Vulnerability of Women in Dealing with Covid-19 Pandemic: Feminist Legal Theory Approach

Linda Sudiono


Women are one of the community groups most affected by Covid-19 because most are workers with lower incomes and unprotected financial security. Moreover, most women occupy the informal sector, which is more vulnerable in accessing social security guarantees. In addition, domestic violence against women increases in several countries during the pandemic. This article aims to analyze the causes of the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on Women and formulate the legal solution using the Feminist Legal Theory approach. The results show that there are broadly two causes of negative impacts for women dealing with Pandemic Covid-19. Firstly, due to the inequality in economic structure. Secondly is the gender stigmatized social structure. In this case, the feminist legal theory approach can be used to reconstruct and reform the negative impacts, as well as reanalysis the solutions in realizing women's legal justice due to the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. This study offers three solution methods. Firstly, analyzing the legal methods in giving gender implications and perpetuating women's subordination. Secondly, making gender the main category in conducting legal analysis. Thirdly, considering gender specificity in achieving legal equality for women.


COVID-19; Equality; Feminist Legal Theory; Justice; Women

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