Analysis of Groundwater Quality Distribution in Pare-pare Region, South Sulawesi Province

M. Fauzi Arifin(1),

(1) Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin
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Administratively, the study area is located in the town of Pare-Pare, Pare-Pare Municipality of South Sulawesi Province. Geographically located at coordinates 119°37'04" - 119°38'50" East Longitude and 04°03'10" - 04°25'05" South Latitude. This study aimed to determine the quality of groundwater in the area of research and aims to obtain information about the condition of potable water consumed by residents in the area of research. Water Quality Standards Governor of South Sulawesi Decree 2003, Regulation of the Minister of Health No.492, Ministry of Health 2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality Requirements, and Water Quality Classification and Criteria (Government Regulation No.82 of 2001 article 8) the groundwater in the study area can be classified into several groups (classes) of water that is group (class) A(1) in the sample wells with a record reduction in levels of S01 BOT, group (class) B(2) in the sample wells S03 and S05 to record the reduction in the levels of BOT and Zeng, group (class) C(3) in the sample wells S02 and S04 to record the reduction of levels of BOT, Zeng, and specifically in the sample wells lead S02, as well as reducing levels of BOT, Zeng, and turbidity levels in wells sample S04. Based on the results of measurements of the depth of the well and then cross-sectional profiles can be interpreted that the direction of groundwater flow in the study area is North Northeastern – South Southwestren Watangpulu namely in areas where water quality up to Bacukiki group (class) C(3) located at an altitude of 50 – 125 meters and water quality group (class) B(2) located at an altitude of 25 – 50 meters and water quality group (class) A (1) located at an altitude of  0 – 25 meter.


Groundwater, Groundwater Quality, Pare-pare

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