Analysis of CO2 Emission from Motorized Vehicle based on Segmentation of Urip Sumoharjo Road at Makassar City

N M R Harusi(1), S H Aly(2), F Trisetio(3), A B T Amelba(4),

(1) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University
(2) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University
(3) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University
(4) Department of Environmental Health, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, St. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. Km 10, Makassar City, South Sulawesi , Indonesia 90245
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This study aims to analyze the amount of CO2 emissions from motorized vehicles through six segments at St. Urip Sumoharjo, and identify relationship between those variables. Segmentation conducted to understand the vehicle volume with the different geometric of road. The method used descriptive quantitative approach by conducting traffic counting that classified into eleven vehicle types and fuel engines (BBM) in peak hour of three time periods. For CO2 emission calculation, there are five factors to consider: number of vehicles, road length, emission factor, density fuel, and fuel economy. In addition, to determine the relationship between vehicle volume and CO2 emission, the result analyzed statistically using SPSS 28 software. As the result, the highest CO2 emission located on Segments: 6, 5, and 1, with a value range of 1,231.1-3,281.4 kg/hour. Those segments are the longest road among other segments with a difference of 0.4-1 km. Furthermore, there are strength relationship with r coefficient of 0.916 between vehicle volume and CO2 emission. However, three type of vehicle: Jeep, Microbus and Bigbus identified has a negative relationship due to different fuel consumption and fuel density.


CO2 Emission; Motorized Vehicle; Segmentation; Fuel Economy

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