Assessing the Possibility of Implementing Mangrove Forest as Natural Fortress for Indonesian Coasts Due to Hazardous Tsunami Impacts : A Preliminary Study

(1) Coastal and Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
(2) Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Villages at Indonesian coast have extremely terrible records of vanishing due to tsunamis impact. Many casualties have occurred and more to go if there are none preventing systems to be implemented specially. There are many preventing and warning systems due to tsunamis impact that can be implemented in Indonesian coasts. One of them is Natural Fortress, which is containing plants that have strong and reliable physical body due to absorbed and diffracted incidental big waves. Mangrove Forest which almost widely spread in coasts of the Indonesian Archipelago gives an alternative solution as Natural Fortress, to make sure this hazardous event make more less casualties then before.
Tsunamis; Mangrove Forest; Natural Fortress
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