Experimental Study on Castellated Beams with Hexagonal Variation Using Monotonic Loading

Desi Sandy(1), Henry Rante Limbong(2), Dantje Runtulalo(3), Harmonis Rante(4),

(1) Dept. of Civil Eng., Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Makassar
(2) Dept. of Civil Eng., Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Makassar
(3) Dept. Of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(4) Dept. of Civil Engineering, Cendrawasih University, Jayapura
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One method that can be used to economically reduce the weight of steel beam used in the construction is the utilization of castellated beam. The beam is made by using steel material profile split in the middle of the plate web, and the resulting pieces are then welded together in certain method to form a hexagonal shaped hole. This study aims to determine optimal dimension of castellated steel beam that can meet technical requirement such as flexural strength, deflection, and web buckling from the point of web openings and determine load capacity that is able to be borne by castellated steel beam as well as formulizing damaged/failed model that occur on castellated steel beam. In the test of castellated steel beam, 1 normal profile test material of IWF 200.100.5,5.8 and 6 normal profile test materials of IWF 200.100.5,5.8 modified into castellated steel beam with different cutting angle variation  50°,  60°, and spaced web openings 70° fixed at (e) 90 mm and the variation of different web openings distance of 60 mm, 90 mm, and 120 cm with a fixed angle of the cutting body  60°. Test of castellated steel beams was carried out using Static Loading Frame - two-point load in monotonic loading. From the test results it is known that the castellated steel beams with  60°, e = 90 mm is able to withstand the maximum load compared to test material variation of another angle and distance, while the maximum load deflection value is greater than the variations in the value of the angle cut and bend the smaller web. Bending stress and bending moment are higher than the other test materials. In this test, the test specimens still exhibit elastic behavior and has not reached the yielding stress. This is because when the load increases, the beam has been damaged. All test specimens were damaged by buckling and lateral torsion buckling on flange and web profile.


castellated steel; web opening angle; maximum capacity; failure models

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