This research aims to determine (1) internal factors, which become the strengths and weaknesses of rice farming in Kuri Caddi village (2) External factors, which become the opportunitie sand threats of rice farming inKuriCaddi. (3) Strategy development of rice farming in coastal area of Kuri Caddi, Sub-district of Nisombalia, District of Marusu, Regency of Maros. The result of this research identifies that there werefour aspects of internal and external factors that influenced the development of rice farming in Kurri Caddi, which were strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.The strengths consists of (1) the available workers (2) cultivable land (3) farming experiences(4) farmer’s productivity. The weaknesses consists of (1) Uncertified seed (2)unbalanced fertilizer use(3) bad-timing tillage and (4) farmers are reluctant to use new farming innovation.The opportunities consists of (1) the emergence ofnew forms of employment, (2) group of farmerthat provide the distribution of farming supports and facilitiesand (3)strong community self-help. Threats consists of (1) problems of road transportation facilities (2) natural disasters and  (3)attack of pests and diseases. Strategy development that can be new innovations such as by using certifies and implementing the jajar legowo system, with achieved score 5,49.
Keywords: Rice Farming in Coastal Area; Strategy Development.
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