
Issue Title
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2022 Legal Cooperation in the ASEAN Maritime Environment in the Free Trade Era: Its Implication for Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Idris Idris, Arfin Sudirman, Mursal Maulana, Amanda Yola
VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2018 Preserving the Environment within the ASEAN Skies: Lessons from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Abstract  PDF
Ridha Aditya Nugraha
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2023 Local Wisdom-Based Water Resources Conservation: Enhancing Local Wisdom in Society 5.0 Abstract  PDF
Zulkifli Aspan, Ernu Widodo, Fajlurrahman Jurdi, Jundiani Jundiani
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2022 The Policy on Illegal Oil Palm Plantation Reform in Forest Area during Jokowi’s Presidency Abstract  PDF
Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto, Lego Karjoko, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Arifin Ma’aruf, Henning Glaser
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2023 Plastic Waste Management in Indonesia: Current Legal Approaches and Future Perspectives Abstract  PDF
Maskun Maskun, Hanim Kamaruddin, Farida Pattitingi, Hasbi Assidiq, Siti Nurhaliza Bachril, Nurul Habaib Al Mukarramah
VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2020 Evaluation of the Regulation Changes on Environment and Forestry in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Helmi Helmi, Fauzi Syam, Nopyandri Nopyandri, Akbar Kurnia Putra
VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2019 Problematic Policy: Environmental Impacts of Traditional Mining in Papua Abstract  PDF
Hotlan Samosir
VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2018 Environmental Policy, Public Health and Human Rights: Assessing the Regional Regulation on Waste Abstract  PDF
Toar Neman Palilingan, Donna Okthalia Setiabudhi, Toar K.R. Palilingan
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2017 The Cancellation of Environmental License of PT. Semen Indonesia: A Strategic Environmental Assessment Abstract  PDF
Edy Lisdiyono
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