The Law in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Early Lessons from Uruguay

Nima Norouzi, Heshmat-ullah Khanmohammadi, Elham Ataei


The Corona crisis is one of the crises that has engulfed the world and Uruguay and has marked all human beings' death and life. This crisis has many legal, political, social, and economic dimensions and has and will have different consequences in this area. So far in the last two centuries, twelve major epidemics of infectious diseases and fifteen famines, and severe droughts have engulfed our world, but this crisis is "of a different kind." It has been less critical to cover the whole world. Infect millions of people, create new words in cultures, and announce major changes in international relations, politics, law, and the world and country economies. No geographical point is safe from this, and it has a serious impact on human relations. This paper is aimed to study the Uruguayan legal system in the post-Covid-19 world. In this paper, Constitutional, Financial, commercial, Labor, Public, and judicial law is discussed in the light of the Covid-19, and its impacts and strategies to mitigate those impacts are mentioned.


COVID-19; Commercial Law; Financial Law; Judicial Law; Labor Law; Legal System; Public law

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